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Despite disruptions triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, cooperation between China and Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries has continued at an accelerated pace, former Chilean President Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle said at the Fourth Dialogue Between the Civilizations of China and Latin America and the Caribbean on October 22. He was echoed by Ma Peihua, former Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, who stressed that in a complex and volatile world, it is never a sustainable solution for countries to detach themselves from the interna-tional community. Developing countries, including China and LAC nations, need to work together, support one another, and conduct cooperation and exchanges.  相似文献   
In 1999,volunteers in Beijing,Shanghai and Guangzhou in south China were told to walk into a bare room each to test if they could survive 72 hours inside without venturing out.The rooms contained just a bed,a roll of toilet paper,a sum of money in cash,an equal amount in digital currency and a dial-up Internetnet.  相似文献   
共享经济中形成了"平台+履约人"的新就业模式,催生了一个全新的就业群体——"独立工人"。"独立工人"与平台之间没有传统意义上的劳动关系,仅根据平台要求向客户提供劳务或服务。研究显示:我国共享经济从业人员以"独立工人"为主,吸纳的劳动力主要是受教育程度较低、技术等级较低、外地农业户籍的青壮年男性。在共享经济中有四至五成的从业人员属于专职"独立工人"。研究发现:选择从事兼职独立工作的群体有长期从业的倾向,而选择从事专职独立工作的群体则不希望继续从事独立工作。为进一步规范共享经济发展、保护"独立工人"的合法权益,可以从重新审视"独立工人"的法律身份入手,探索建立适合"独立工人"的"可携式福利"体系,尝试总结具有权威性的共享经济劳动标准,以推动该领域的劳动立法。  相似文献   
二十世纪八十年代以来,我国逐渐形成了数量繁多、相对较为齐全的城市规划法制体系.但由于受到指导思想、发展水平等主客观因素的制约,目前,我国城市规划法制在实践中出现了诸多弊端和不足.我国必须对城市规划的法制进行科学、理性的整合与完善.这种整合与完善应当以科学的可持续发展观为指导,应体现社会的公平性与正义性,注重对环境、对有关利益主体的权益保障.  相似文献   
In the course of history, the meaning of fa (a Chinese character with an approximate meaning of “law”) has not been invariable, and its connotation in modern times has been enriched constantly, so as to incorporate many elements of ancient li (ceremony). If the modern concept of law, already changed and still changing, is to be used to mechanically compare and interpret traditional Chinese law, misunderstandings might arise. Actually, li and fa are indispensable components of traditional Chinese law, and the lack of necessary study of the li will prevent us from understanding and explaining the spirit of traditional Chinese law. In traditional Chinese law, “fa” usually refers to an institutional dimension, especially after Qin and Han dynasties, whereas li, especially li yi (moral basis for rites and ceremonies), is where the value and spirit of traditional Chinese law can be found. Translated from China Social Science, 5th Issue, 2003 in Chinese  相似文献   
《联合国国家及其财产管辖豁免公约》评介   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
<联合国国家及其财产管辖豁免公约>是第一个全面规范国家及其财产管辖豁免问题的普遍性国际公约,也是第一个确认国家及其财产限制豁免的普遍性国际公约.该<公约>的通过和开放签署,对国际法的发展具有重要的理论和现实意义.  相似文献   
技术标准与技术许可之关系探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
技术标准与技术许可密切相关,不论技术标准是否含有专利技术方案,都潜伏着技术许可:技术许可是技术标准赖以存在和发展的前提,而技术标准又为技术许可创造了巨大的空间.专利联盟是专利权人通过标准进行许可来实现规模利润的主要形式,而其得以实现的保障是标准涉及的专利技术许可背后的专有技术之许可.  相似文献   
注重文化建党既是党的历代领导集体一以贯之的重要思想 ,又是新的历史条件对我们党提出的新课题。以创新精神解决文化建党在新世纪面临的一系列重要问题 ,是加强党的执政能力建设的重要途径之一。  相似文献   
证明标准与刑事政策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作为关涉治理的学问,法学从来就不是纯粹哲学的绝妙搭档,毋宁说昨日主要是政治学的密友,今又与社会学颇有亲缘。左、周二君在本文,力图诠释作为刑事司法规则的证明标准及其变化之蕴涵,对此可谓心领意会,他们既未固执于本体论的玄宏叙事,亦不满足于“人权保障功能”的简体抒情,而是从司法权术这一向度来审视之,对于证明标准由绝对真实论向相对真实论(或曰经验性证明标准)的这一转向,就其之所以被现代社会合法化、有效化,进行了一次细致、缠绵的知识社会学意味的“解密”。他们认为,经验性证明标准本身作为一种可能性艺术和审慎的实践智慧,是不断追求社会控制的有效性的权力程序的政治回应,因此与多面向的刑事政策互为纠缠,并深陷于刑事网络双重化,即在犯罪/刑罚这一对范畴之外再加上危险性/安全措施这一对范畴的情境中。作者附带盘查了中国刑事司法的有关问题,比如强调客观真实、缺乏证据生成机制等,总体上而言缺乏对案件区分处理的平衡技术;之所以造成这种状况,除了意识形态之苛求外,欠缺必要的社会技术条件也是主要原因,例如程序控制、有效组织的法纪社会等。  相似文献   
China and India are the two most populous countries in the world and both have the fastest growing economies.The implications of this relationship and the significant geopolitical impact it has had on Asia and the wider world have attracted widespread attention.  相似文献   
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